The Trojans win again

January 22, 2010

The Trojan's interlocking "SC" logo is here to stay

In the college world, when you hear or see “SC,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? South Carolina, right? Wrong. The University of South Carolina has been in a trademark duel with the University of Southern California regarding its similar interlocking “SC” design and logo.

When South Carolina filed its patent for its interlocking “SC” design, the trademark examiner tentatively approved the design. However, Southern California immediately opposed the patent. The case weaved its way through the legal system to include stops at the Trademark Trial and Appeals and then to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (one step away from the U.S. Supreme Court).

The Federal Circuit agreed with Southern California in that South Carolina’s “SC” was confusingly similar to the Trojan’s “SC” design. Therefore, South Carolina’s claim was dismissed in that Southern California’s logo falsely suggested an affiliation with South Carolina. The court reasoned that “SC” may refer to the state of South Carolina, but “SC” also refers to many entities to include at least 16 universities.

Though this case was more on the context of baseball apparel, it will apply to all licensed apparel and uniforms bearing the “SC.” Thus, at this point, Southern California gets to keep its interlocking “SC.”

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