Hornsby is a Criminal not a Rebel

August 3, 2009
Jamar Hornsby

Jamar Hornsby

It looks like Jamar Hornsby was indicted on felony aggravated assault charges in Mississippi this past Friday. Hornsby is no stranger to the law as he faced criminal charges for the Florida credit card incident reported earlier.

As a result of that incident, Hornsby was kicked off the Gators squad. As a result of his current indictment, Hornbsy is being kicked off the Ole Miss team.

“I am releasing Jamar Hornsby and he will not be a member of our football team,” stated Houston Nutt.

From a legal perspective, he will probably serve jail time for his actions in Mississippi and he could also serve time in Florida since he is still on probation for his credit card incident. His indictment is a violation of probation, which can lead to incarceration.

Hornsby has certainly had several breaks and opportunities to correct his behavior. He failed to recognize his fortune and is now going to face some sort of jail time and will probably never play NCAA football again. However, I hear the state penitentiaryleague is always in need of star players. Best of luck Mr. Hornsby.

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