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Top 10 Takeaways from Manziel’s First Teleconference

November 26, 2012
Top 10 Takeaways from Manziel’s First Teleconference

For months Texas A&M quarterback Jonny Manziel would not speak to the media.  However, on Monday afternoon, he spoke to the media for the first time in an open forum answering any questions thrown his way.  Here are 10 things we learned about this impressive quarterback:    1) He thinks the nickname Johnny Football is “extremely funny.” In fact, he doesn’t see himself as Johnny Football rather he sees himself as Jonathan Manziel, a small-town guy from Kerville, Texas....

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Alabama Player Rings on eBay

October 18, 2012
Alabama Player Rings on eBay

For all the Crimson Tide fans, there are just two days left to purchase a “one of a kind collection” of player rings from Alabama’s most recent football success.  On the selling block is the 2011 BCS ring (with box), the 2008 Sugar Bowl and NCAA rings, the 2009 SEC, BCS, and NCAA rings, and the 1999 10K gold SEC player ring.  All of these keepsakes can be purchased on eBay at the “buyit now” price of $50,000.00.  According...

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Nebraska Sued, Discriminates Against Disabled Parker

September 17, 2012
Nebraska Sued, Discriminates Against Disabled Parker

  Richard Norton Jr. was denied access to a handicapped parking space during a Cornhuskers football game to make way for Nebraska donors and tailgaters.  As a result of this discriminatory practice, Norton sued the school seeking an injunction to prevent the school from continuing to enforce a policy that discriminates against disabled persons.   On October 30, 2010, Norton tried to park in a dedicated handicapped spot at Morrill Hall to see an art exhibit.  He was turned...

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The 10 Best High School Football Towns in America

September 6, 2012
The 10 Best High School Football Towns in America

They say football is king, and it’s not for nothing. And while Saturdays belong to BCS-beleaguered college football and Sundays to the bounty-placing, money-hungry NFL, Friday night is pure sport.  It’s the night when all over America young men step out onto the gridiron to fight for their old alma mater.  In an age of interstate highways and fading small towns, high school football has the power to ignite and unite a town like few things can.  Year after...

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The 10 Most Embarrassing Moments In NCAA History

August 1, 2012
The 10 Most Embarrassing Moments In NCAA History

We all love to see the embarrassing “Not Top 10″ plays where a player, say, picks up a football and runs it into the wrong endzone. It’s lighthearted fun that no doubt leaves the player feeling a bit sheepish for a little while. But sometimes, sports programs find themselves embroiled in much deeper, much more disgraceful scenarios of their own design. These highly public embarrassments can ruin lives, cost schools thousands or millions of dollars, and leave the entire...

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Former Heisman Finalist Arrested in Hawaii

July 30, 2012
Former Heisman Finalist Arrested in Hawaii

Quarterback Colt Brennan would have more luck playing at than he would at living life as he was arrested last week in Kailua, Hawaii for felony drug possession and drunk driving.  The former Hawaii superstar who owns college football’s single season touchdown passing record (58 TDs) was pulled over for driving 10 miles over the speed limit.  This infraction led to him being charged for DUI and for promoting a dangerous drug, a 3rd degree felony.  Brennan was ultimately released from...

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10 Colleges With the Most Powerful Coaches

July 18, 2012
10 Colleges With the Most Powerful Coaches

Ideally, colleges should be well-known, desirable, and popular because of the high quality of educational resources they offer students and other members of the community. Yet, here in the U.S. that’s not always the case. Many schools’ academic programs are eclipsed by the overwhelming popularity of their sports teams, and for better or worse that has made the coaches and head administrators of these teams incredibly powerful figures that dominate what has now become a billion-dollar industry for colleges...

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PSU To Avoid NCAA Sanctions?

July 13, 2012
PSU To Avoid NCAA Sanctions?

The Freeh report concluded that the top brass at Penn State failed to protect children from a sexual predator in order to protect the integrity of the school’s flagship and highly profitable football program.  In its complete failure, Penn State and its senior administrators are now tangled in criminal matters with lengthy civil suits forthcoming, but what will happen to the football program? The Freeh report may have made a compelling case for the NCAA to sanction PSU for...

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