Animatronic Mascot?

November 26, 2009
Let's hope Georgia ignores PETA's request. This picture just wouldn't be the same if UGA was a robot.

Let's hope Georgia ignores PETA's request. This picture just wouldn't be the same if UGA was a robot.

The Matador is a fan of animal rights just as much as the next guy, but a recent request by the beloved PETA is flat out absurd.

In the wake of Georgia mascot UGA VII’s death, PETA has formally asked the university to honor UGA VII by choosing an animatronic or costumed mascot to represent the fallen bulldog.

This request by PETA seems to undermine the entire rich tradition of the bulldog and all of Georgia’s spirit and pageantry that the bulldog represents.

Can you imagine the pregame show at Sanford Stadium if a little robotic dog comes running onto the field. It would be a mockery. While I appreciate PETA’s mission of protecting animals, this sort of request will completely take away from what has become a rich tradition for the university, its players, and most importantly the fans.

In other news, renowned vets have argued that there are health problems associated with breeding pure dogs-especially bulldogs. Heart problem is a serious concern and with hot and humid weather and heavy travel, Georgia’s next mascot increases its chances of exposure. If you recall, UGA VII died of a heart condition.

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