Bradford gunning for medical clearance

September 26, 2009
Bradford can't wait to get back on the field

Bradford is waiting for clearance

Ever since Sam Bradford went down, his national championship and Heisman hopes came crumbling down with him. Bradford now has an opportunity to get back on the field and reclaim those hopes and dreams. As The Matador reported earlier in the week, Bradford threw off the sling and began practicing by running non-contact short passing drills. However, before he can air-it-out or actually play, he must get a medical clearance.

It appears he is taking this step today as it’s been made public that Bradford is meeting with the surgeon for the stars Dr. James Andrew. If he is cleared by Dr. Andrews, he will more than likely begin his quest by suiting up against the surprising Miami Hurricanes.

Here at The Matador, we wish the best and nothing but success for Bradford.

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