The party is officially over in Durham

November 10, 2010

The Duke "Tailgate" is canceled

Duke university is officially canceling its pregame festivities commonly referred to as Tailgate. In light of last Saturday’s drunken stupor, the university is closing the gates on a pre-football game tradition. Vice President of Student Affairs, Larry Moneta, deemed “Tailgate has become and embarrassment.” Moneta’s strong words were an apparent reaction to a 15 year-old guest being found passed out in a porta-potty after the crowd dispersed and headed to the stadium. 

Being a minor, information of the incident is under lock and key, however, it’s clear that Tailgate has gotten out of hand. The university acknowledged that it escaped a tragic incident and is pleased to report the inebriated teen was released from the hospital. 

Tailgate is a somewhat new university event in which you must be a student to attend. You are allowed to bring one guest, and if you are over 21, one six-pack. The event, which was originally designed as a pre-football game party, quickly turned into a concert type atmosphere with loud music, mosh pits, and more alcohol to sink a ship–or in this case drown a Devil. 

Last weeks Tailgate was the impetus to end this cultural phenomenon. Most students disapprove of Tailgate and don’t even consider it a tradition as many of the guests are non-student types that don’t have any care about Duke football. 

As it stands, there will be no Tailgate this weekend when the Blue Devils host Boston College. But for you incoming Freshman, don’t you worry. Duke is considering lifting the Tailgate ban for 2011, but with some serious policy changes. But in the meantime, thanks to Facebook, the (un)official Tailgate will commence on Saturday. 

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