Rise to your feet and cheer

August 26, 2009


The NCAA is encouraging the pregame handshake–which seems a bit absurd considering after the handshake you want to pulverize your opponent, but in the name of sportsmanship The Matador understands.

However, The Ohio State University is taking this concept one step further. As the Buckeyes take the field against Navy on September 5th, 2009 at The Shoe, fans are encouraged to “rise to your feet and cheer” the Midshipmen.

This video propaganda is being shown to students throughout the campus before the season opener to encourage students to be civil. Now, I’m a big supporter of the Navy and the military, but I’m also a big supporter of making the stadium a hostile environment for opposing teams. After all, you don’t want to give any team an edge or a sense of comfort.  After the game is when players should shake hands and when I will rise up and cheer for Navy as when they graduate they have a job that’s a little more important than mine.

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