Be an extra in The Dark Knight Rises

July 16, 2011

Batman comes to the Steel City

Batman needs you! For those of you who have a love for the movies and football, you will have one chance to be a part of both. On August 6, 2011, the film crew of The Dark Knight Rises will be filming at Pittsburgh’s Heinz Field. Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, and Morgan Freeman are but a few of the stars slated to be in the Steel City.

Filming is set for one day only. Fans in attendance will be cheering on the Gotham Rogues as they play host to the Rapid City Monuments. Extras will not be compensated, however, parking, food, and snacks are absolutely free. In addition, there will be fabulous raffle prizes to include a flat screen tv, autographs, DVDs, comics, etc.

Again, filming is scheduled for August 6, 2011 from 7 am to 7 pm. You must sign-up here to help save Gotham.

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