For Immediate Release
Playoff Supporter of the Week-Texas Quarterback Colt McCoy
Every week, Playoff PAC highlights a prominent community leader in government, sports, or entertainment who favors college football reform.
- “I’ve thought about it a lot. I’d have to say eight-team playoff and maybe cut the season one game short. I don’t think you would lose that much money because the playoffs would generate a lot of interest and ultimately you could find out who the national champion was for sure.” – Colt McCoy, Quarterback of the Texas Longhorns, a BCS Title Game Participant (Dec. 12, 2009).
Quote of the Week-What Good Does Barton’s Bill Do? Plenty.
- “If [Congressman Joe Barton’s College Football Playoff Act] becomes law it would prevent the BCS from calling its game a “national championship game” unless it was the result of a playoff system. Okay, you’re asking what good that does? Plenty. One, it’s symbolic. It puts The Cartel on notice that somebody its size is watching. Two, it says people in general are fed up with the BCS’s arrogance and sense of entitlement.” – Michael Wilbon, Is the BCS Tide Turning?, The Washington Post (Dec. 10, 2009).
Stat of the Week-$492M v. $61M
- Between 2005 and 2009, the six automatic-qualifying conferences raked in $492.5 million in major bowl money. The five non-automatic qualifying conferences received just $61.9 million.
On Playoff PAC’s Blog…
- Welcome to the Club, Please Use the Back Door
- “Last year, BCS outsider Utah walloped Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. Two years before that, Boise State defeated a highly-ranked Oklahoma team. And in 2005, Utah trounced Big East Conference co-champion Pittsburgh. Each outsider victory over a BCS school has fueled the debate surrounding college football?s post season.”
- A Reply to Mr. Cowlishaw
- “[L]et’s blow down his straw man about a playoff not “escap[ing] controversy.” Under the BCS, we argue over who is No. 2 vs. who is No. 3. In an eight-team playoff that argument would instead be about who is No. 8 vs. No. 9. If you believe the former is better for college football, you might want to take advantage of the BCS’s recent hiring binge. Your logic would fit-in well there.”
Important Articles
- Sally Jenkins, The BCS Has Remained One Step Ahead of the Law-Until Now, Wash. Post(Dec. 12, 2009).
- Jordan Fabian, Hatch: College Football Playoff Bill Could Pass the Senate, (Dec. 11, 2009).
- USA Today Editorial, Finally, a Bipartisan Cause-A College Football Playoff, USA Today (Dec. 9, 2009).